How aware are you of that which you do not want? How often do you focus on it? Shouldn't you be aware of what you don't want - precisely aware - so that you can make sure it doesn't come into your experience?
It is beneficial to be aware of that which you do not want, to a SMALL degree. When you came to this Earth, you never meant to stay so focused on that which you do not want.
Contrast was intended to arise in order to assist us in clarifying our desires and expanding our desires. Knowing that which we do not want is beneficial in that it typically arises out of some type of contrasting situation or emotion and in that knowing of that which we do not want, we better know that which we do want. So many of us perceive that we are stuck in some undesired life situation, however great or small; however, we don't realize that we are "stuck" in these undesired conditions due to a repeated hyper-focused thought cycle about that which we do not want. We're constantly telling the story, in various forms, of all of the situations and conditions that we are not currently enjoying in our lives, all the possible conditions we are worried about or scared of...and what we may not realize is that in telling of those stories, in the constant focusing of all of that we do not desire whether it is already in our now reality or not, we are actually attracting all those conditions, fears, worries and negative situations. Perhaps not the exact situation we spoke of, but one of the same vibrational frequency of the worrisome, fearsome or negative situations and conditions we spoke of.
Even in speaking of our desires, it is interesting to note how we feel when we speak of these desires. Are we speaking of them from a place of lack? From the acute awareness that what we desire is missing from our experience? If so, speaking of desires in this manner is just as detrimental as speaking of the undesired.
Our thoughts, and more importantly, the emotions behind the thoughts, are like magnets. Like attracts like in this world, and so whatever thoughts and emotions we are vibrationally offering (which is every thought and emotion you have) attract conditions that are on that same vibrational frequency as those thoughts and emotions.
It will be beneficial for us to realize that our focus was always meant to primarily be set on that which we desire. That which we love. That which makes our hearts sing. That which strikes those inner chords and causes us to be so jazzed.
We came here to experience the physicality of this world and we came here to enjoy every aspect of this world. We came here to experience the complete unfolding of our desires, which does include the contrast. We came here to joyfully create our physical lives. We did not, however, come here to become stuck in the contrast, to become stuck in that which we do not want, to become stuck in the complaints, to become stuck in the fear, to become stuck in any monotony of day-to-day life, to become stuck in the "rat race".
If you are experiencing more of that which you do not want than you would like to, then perhaps it is time to begin intending to change your story. Intend to change your focus. Intend to change what it is that you specifically speak of. Intend to change your vocabulary. Intend to change your inner dialogue. Intend to begin speaking in the direction of that which you desire. Intend to speak of that which you love, of that which makes you feel good, of that which excites you, of that which you appreciate, of that which you are grateful for.
When something that you do not want comes up into your experience, pay attention to it for a quick second. You only need, at most, a few seconds to realize that it is something you do not desire to have in your experience. It only takes a few seconds to realize what it is that you desire from this contrasting experience. Once you identify what it is that you desire, born out of that which showed up in your experience that you do not desire, then immediately shift your focus into feeling good about that (desired) subject. If it is too much to feel good about that subject, then shift your focus to feeling good in a more general manner.
You will be surprised at how this practice will begin to shift your vibration in a more positive direction.
So ask yourself today, "What are the stories that am I telling?"
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